nri full form

idc full form

idc full form | In this article you will come to know idc full form, IDC Full Forms List, IDC Full Forms Depending on the Field, Frequently Searched Queries, and Frequently Asked Questions.

idc full form

The most widely used idc full form is the Internet Database Connector - in the field of networking.

All IDC Full Forms List

As IDC have more than one meanings, so we have provided the list of all full forms of IDC below:-

  1. International Data Corporation
  2. Information Distribution Company
  3. Industrial Design Centre 
  4. Internet Direct Connection
  5. Internet Database Connector 
  6. Interim Domain Controller 
  7. Internet Data Connector
  8. Image Data Capture
  9. Insulation Displacement Connection
  10. International Discussion Club
  11. I Don't Care
  12. Indirect Comparison
  13. Intangible Drilling Cost 
  14. Integrated Displays and Controls
  15. Interest During Construction 
  16. Interface Document Control
  17. Initial Demonstration of Capability 
  18. Interactive Dynamics and Control 
  19. Imputed Days of Contribution
  20. Insulation Displacement Contact
  21. Information Dominance Center 
  22. Independent Duty Corpsmen
  23. Instructor Development Course.

IDC Full Forms Depending on the Field

IDC Full forms in Networking

  • Internet Direct Connection
  • Internet Database Connector
  • Interim Domain Controller
  • IDC Full forms in Softwares
  • Internet Data Connector
  • Image Data Capture.

IDC Full forms in Space Sciences

  • Integrated Displays and Controls
  • Interface Document Control
  • Initial Demonstration of Capability
  • Ion Drive Craft
  • Interactive Dynamics and Control.

IDC Full forms in Military

  • Information Dominance Center
  • Independent Duty Corpsmen
  • Instructor Development Course.

IDC Full forms in Messaging

  • I Don't Care
  • International Discussion Club
  • Indirect Comparison.

IDC Full forms in Accounts and Finance

  • Intangible Drilling Cost
  • Interest During Construction
  • IDC Full forms in Earth Science
  • Imputed Days of Contribution.

IDC Full forms in File Types

  • Internet Database Connector Document
  • Tech Core Idc File Bitmap Graphics
  • Ida C Language Source Code File.

Frequently Searched Queries 

1. idc full form in technology

International Data Corporation, Intelligent Distributed Computing, and Internet Data Connector are full forms of IDC in technology.

2. idc full form in chat

I Don't Care is idc full form in chat.

3. idc full form in social media

I Don't Care is idc full form on social media.

4. idc full form in the project

Interest During Construction is idc full form in the project.

5. idc full form in medical

Inflammatory Breast Cancer and Invasive Ductal Carcinoma are idc full forms in medical.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the full form of LOL?

Laugh out loud - the full form of LOL.

2. What is the full form of TF?

Too Far is a widely used full of TF.

3.What LMAO means?

LAMO means Laughing My Ass Off.

4. Why do guys say LOL?

LOL is used to represent sarcasm or to laugh at a joke but some people even consider it as a slam, so use it wisely in a conversation.

We hope that all your queries regarding idc full form, IDC Full Forms List, IDC Full Forms Depending on the Field, Frequently Searched Queries, and Frequently Asked Questions are covered in our article.
