nri full form

iuc full form:- all the widely used full forms of iuc

iuc Full form:-  In this article you will know about IUC Full Form, List of all iuc full forms and searched queries related to IUC.
IUC has many major full forms that are widely used in different fields. 

iuc Full form

The iuc full form is Interconnect user Charge. 

In the field of Telecommunication IUC ( Interconnect user Charge) is used. 

Interconnect user Charge is a charge that one telecom provider (say A) has to pay to another telecom operator (say B) when a call is placed by its user (user of A).

List of widely used iuc full forms:-

  1. Independent User Center
  2. Information Unit for Conventions
  3. International University Cooperation (UNESCO)
  4. Industrial Union Council (American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations)
  5. Interview Under Caution
  6. Interval Usage Code (DOCSIS)
  7. Immediate Unit Commander
  8. Initial Unemployment Claims (economics)
  9. Initial User Capability
  10. International Underwater Contractors, Inc.
  11. Independent User Center
  12. Intelligent and Ubiquitous Computing
  13. Interface Unit Comparator
  14. Intrauterine Contraception
  15. Information used in the control.

Searched Queries Related to IUC Full Form

1. iuc full form in medical

Intrauterine Contraception is iuc full form in medical.

2. iuc full form in jio 

iuc full form in jio is Interconnect user Charge.

3. iuc full form in audit

iuc full form in audit is Information used in the control.

we hope all your queries related to the iuc Full form are covered in this article.
